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lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Polvo inteligente ("Smartdust") puede estar siendo usado en conjunto con antenas 5G y estelas químicas ("chemtrails") para manipular la sociedad con una falsa pandemia

Según una página de Internet, existe una tecnología que la gente ignora y que puede estar siendo usada por la élite y su control sobre los medios de comunicación para crear una falsa realidad y por medio de este falso escenario empujar al mundo a aceptar la vacunación masiva obligatoria y a su vez daría impulso a la implantación del microchip de control total sobre las personas. 

Y es que en la página de Facebook titulada 'Jerusalén Capital de Israel' publicaron una controversial "teoría de conspiración". En dicha publicación alegan que se estaría lanzando sobre los cielos y por medio de aviones unas estelas químicas o "chemtrails" que bajarían gradualmente desde las nubes sobre la población.

A menudo nuestros aires son bombardeados de noche y de día por aviones que lanzan químicos desconocidos "chemtrails". No confundir con las estelas normales que dejan los aviones que se llaman "contrails".

Esta contaminación atmosférica sería en realidad un polvo inteligente o "smartdust". Según la Enciclopedia Libre de Wikipedia sería:

El polvo inteligente (en inglés, smartdust) es una red inalámbrica de minúsculos sensores microelectromecánicos (MEMS), robots o dispositivos que pueden detectar señales de luz, temperatura, vibraciones, etc. Los dispositivos también se llaman motas (motes en inglés: de remote sensing) y se trabaja en disminuir su tamaño hasta el de un grano de arena, o incluso de una partícula de polvo. Cada dispositivo contiene sensores, circuitos que computan, tecnología de comunicaciones sin hilos bidireccional y una fuente de alimentación. Las motas recopilarían datos, realizarían cómputos y se comunicarían por radio con otros en distancias que se acercan a 300 metros (1.000 pies).

Cuando están muy juntos o apiñados, crean automáticamente redes altamente flexibles, de baja potencia con usos que se extienden desde sistemas de control del Clima a dispositivos de entretenimiento que trabajan conjuntamente con aparatos de gestión de información específica como un PDA o un iPod.

El concepto de Smartdust fue introducido por Kristofer Pister (Universidad de California) en 2001¹. Una revisión² reciente discute varias maneras para llevar las redes de polvo inteligente desde dimensiones del milímetro al nivel del micrómetro.

Un ejemplo típico de uso sería dispersando cientos de estos sensores alrededor de un edificio o un hospital para supervisar temperatura, humedad o para informar desastres tales como terremotos. También podrían ser utilizados para seguir los movimientos de los pacientes.

Para los militares pueden funcionar como sensores a distancia para controlar los movimientos enemigos, detectar gas venenoso o radiactividad. La facilidad y el barato costo de fabricación de estos dispositivos han despertado preocupaciones sobre la factibilidad de que gobiernos y corporaciones los usen para la invasión de la vida privada. (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polvo_inteligente)

Se alega que este "polvo inteligente" sería usado sobre las personas por medio de la tecnología 5G y produciría síntomas de enfermedades lo que a su vez manipularía a las personas según se quiera. Una vez hecho esto, se crearía el escenario de una falsa pandemia usando la prensa para que a su vez la élite de poderosos puedan adelantar su negocio global de las vacunas y posteriormente justificar la implantación de un microchip que reduciría a cero las libertades individuales. 

Vea el mensaje y decida usted

44 pastores muertos por "covid" en Nicaragua...¿y no mueren políticos? Sospechoso... Tal vez se trata de un ataque bacteriológico o usando hongos y químicos para luego achacarlo al "virus"... Vea la noticia aquí. Más de 40 pastores evangélicos fallecen en el contexto de la pandemia...

¿Acaso no será el coronavirus (COVID-19) (SARS-Cov-2) una reacción de nanopolvo activado con tecnología de 60 MHz compatible a 5G y así de esta forma usado para crear síntomas y manipular a la población? 



El Arma "Polvo Inteligente" o "Smart Dust". El enemigo invisible | Nanochips 

Hay polvo inteligente en el agua 


Polvo Inteligente Discovery

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Ex presidente de Microsoft Canadá “Frank Clegg” habla de 5G, tecnología inalámbrica y su seguridad

El sistema 5G es una red inalámbrica wiGig  que opera en el espectro 60GHz con una velocidad de descarga de hasta  10Gbps en comparación con la velocidad de descarga # 4G de  10Mbps.
Sin embargo, la frecuencia de 60 GHz es la frecuencia a la que oscilan las moléculas de oxígeno. A 60 GHz, el 98% de la energía transmitida 5G será absorbida por el oxígeno atmosférico que altera las propiedades orbitales de los electrones de las moléculas de oxígeno. “60 GHz es la frecuencia de absorción de las moléculas de oxígeno. Las moléculas de oxígeno tienen #electrones que comparten entre sí, el oxígeno es una # molécula diatómica. Lo que respiramos son dos moléculas de oxígeno unidas entre sí con los electrones que comparten”.
Cuando la molécula de oxígeno es golpeada con ondas 5G a 60 GHz, estas ondas afectan las propiedades de resonancia orbital de esos electrones compartidos. Son esos electrones compartidos que se unen a la # hemoglobina en nuestra sangre.
“Cuando se detiene el oxígeno, ya no se unirá a la hemoglobina y la mioglobina (moléculas que transportan oxígeno) y, por lo tanto, no podrá transportar oxígeno a las mitocondrias de la célula. Sin oxígeno, el hígado se congestiona y el cuerpo y el cerebro , comienza a fallar debido a la asfixia lenta.
Dado que el cerebro es el órgano del cuerpo más sensible a la falta de oxígeno, no recibir suficiente oxígeno al cerebro causará hipoxia cerebral. Los síntomas de la hipoxia cerebral varían de leves a severos.
Los síntomas leves incluyen:
trastornos cognitivos
pérdida temporal de memoria
capacidad reducida para mover el cuerpo
dificultad para prestar atención
dificultad para tomar buenas decisiones
Los síntomas graves incluyen:
muerte cerebral
Nota: el espectro para # 4G comienza desde las bandas de frecuencia de 700 MHz a 5 GHz. “En comparación con las frecuencias inferiores a 5 GHz utilizadas anteriormente por dispositivos móviles, la tecnología de ondas milimétricas permite la transmisión en frecuencias entre 30 GHz y 300 GHz. Estas frecuencias se denominan ondas milimétricas porque tienen longitudes de onda entre 1 mm y 10 mm, mientras que las longitudes de onda de las ondas de radio utilizadas actualmente por los teléfonos inteligentes son en su mayoría de varias decenas de centímetros “.
Nota: Los efectos en la salud de la exposición acumulativa a la radiación de radiofrecuencia de baja intensidad incluyen:
Mutaciones de ADN
Daño mitocondrial
Cáncer, cáncer (los cráneos de los niños reciben más radiación)
Problemas de memoria y cognitivos.
Cambios de esperma e infertilidad.
Dolor de cabeza, migraña, zumbidos en los oídos
Enfermedad del corazón
Diabetes tipo 2
La radiación de radiofrecuencia / microondas (RF / MW) influye en las señales de resonancia de Schumann, que son el mecanismo por el cual se activa la producción de melatonina.
Nota: Las frecuencias también afectan la capacidad del cuerpo para producir vitamina D (la deficiencia de vitamina D causa resfriados y gripe debido al debilitamiento del sistema inmunitario. Es por eso que las personas son propensas a resfriados y gripe en la temporada de invierno. ).
Nota: la radiación electromagnética en el rango de frecuencia de microondas “es absorbida por el agua, las grasas, los azúcares y algunas otras moléculas, cuyas vibraciones consiguientes producen * calor *”. Similar a los hornos de microondas que generan radiación a una frecuencia de aproximadamente 2.45 GHz (la energía de microondas se convierte en energía térmica al hacer que las moléculas de agua se muevan hacia adelante y hacia atrás aproximadamente 2.450 millones de veces por segundo … ¡Los 60 GHz utilizados por el sistema 5G hacen que las moléculas de agua se muevan de un lado a otro 60 mil millones de veces por segundo!)
Más de 180 científicos y médicos en casi 40 países están advirtiendo al mundo sobre los riesgos para la salud que presenta la tecnología 5G. La respuesta de estos científicos a la “Resolución 1815 del Consejo de Europa” lo explica de manera sucinta:
“Nosotros, los científicos abajo firmantes, recomendamos una moratoria en el despliegue de la quinta generación, 5G, hasta que los riesgos potenciales para la salud humana y el medio ambiente hayan sido completamente investigados por científicos independientes de la industria. La tecnología 5G aumentará sustancialmente la exposición a los campos electromagnéticos de radiofrecuencia (RF-EMF) y se ha demostrado que esto es perjudicial para los humanos y el medio ambiente. Por eso en varios países como Ecuador colapsan en las calles.

D. Martin L. Pall, afirma emisiones de 5G están estimulando...

5G – A Toxic Assault on the Planetary Web of Life (Clic here)

According to Dr. Cherry’s research, as we disrupt the Schumann Resonance, including raising the potential frequency above 7.83 Hz through a variety of ways, we decrease melatonin secretion, which decreases our ability to be in harmony with the earth’s daily rhythmic cycles. Specifically, when there is an alteration, such as changes in S-GMA activity, ill effects follow such as altered blood pressure; reproductive, immune system, cardiac and neurological problems; mental disorders, depression, and suicide; increase hospital admissions, accidents, and sudden death; as well as other stress-related conditions. These electromagnetic disruptions and their negative health effects are not new, but 5G is one hundred times more potent in moving in that direction and will likely result in an increase in cancer, heart disease, depression, and other diseases. We already see epidemics in all these areas, as well as in type-2 diabetes. In There Is a Cure for Diabetes, this form of electromagnetic RF/MW radiation caused type-2 diabetes is well documented.
The awareness of the Schumann Resonance helps us to see the real cosmic interconnectedness of all of us humans, animals, plants, the planet earth, and the sun and moon. EMF and EMFR reduce melatonin secretion in animals and people. Once we understand that, it helps us examine at least one mechanism for why, indeed, we are seeing so many health problems. Melatonin is a vital natural neuro-hormone that regulates the daily circadian rhythm in mammals. Melatonin is the most potent known antioxidant; it has also been shown to protect against various forms of cancer. The pineal gland’s production of melatonin rises at night, and the melatonin is carried by the circulation system throughout the body, passing through the cell membrane and scavenging free radicals in the cell in order to protect the DNA. Melatonin also has many other vital functions involving the assistance of the immune system to maintain its immunocompetence, and it regulates sleep activity including aspects of REM sleep and sleep efficiency. Reduced melatonin production causes many serious biological effects in humans and other mammals, including chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, DNA damage leading to cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological diseases, and mortality. Melatonin reduction is also associated with arthritis, depression, and suicide, seasonally affective disorder (SAD), miscarriage, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Multiple independent studies have found that electromagnetic fields reduced melatonin in animals and human beings. The scientific evidence includes correlations with altered geomagnetic activity reducing human melatonin, through the Schumann Resonance signal effect. The level of evidence exceeds requirements for a causal link, strongly suggesting that melatonin production caused by electromagnetic fields and radiation exposure contributes significantly to the allocation of many adverse health effect rates.
All life has adapted over time to live in the electromagnetic frequencies of the Schumann Resonance, somewhere between 7.83 and 8 Hz. When we move away from this biologically attuned resonance field, it is highly likely to result in disorganization of our electrophysiology. This means that if you are susceptible to some of these frequencies, you may begin feeling “unusual stress, mental confusion, forgetfulness, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, periods of diminished hearing and eyesight, sudden onset of unexplained neurological problems and sharp pains shooting into head, as well as symptoms that mimic mental illness; depression, split personality disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia. The 5G frequencies have already been shown potentially to literally have a mass effect on mental functions in the populace. This has obvious serious negative spiritual implications because if you don’t have a functioning brain it is very hard to access our soul connection and evolve spiritually on the planet from a spiritual point of view. An additional worry held by many anti-globalists is that the globalist elites will use 5G, in a high percentage of cases, to keep everyone’s brainwaves in a range that prevents critical thought processing, and thus keeping people in the brainwave range that favors their agenda, for example, an emotional, slow, or hysteric state of thought — all depending on what they want the population to think. We need to understand that 5G will greatly amplify these mind control mechanisms that have already been proven to exist and be effective scientifically.
Research in the last 20 years shows that ELF electromagnetic fields affected the way calcium ions move in brain tissue and the way this affects the cells’ inner workings. The more permeable blood/brain barrier, which will happen with the 5G, a greater amount of toxins can enter the brain. The opening of the blood/brain barrier and calcium leakage is also associated with oxidative damage to the neurons; and it also breaks up the DNA structure. All of this is already associated with electro-smog, dirty electricity, electrical pollution, and electrical hypersensitivity, which is seen in many patients.
In addition to this, the 5G frequency is connected to the 60 GHz millimeter-wave band — 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond (5G is to start initially with sub-6GHz moving as quickly into 6GHz and above as the network advancement allows). This will allow the utilization of sub-millimeter and millimeter waves to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of RF/MW radiation. 5G represents a massive step up from 3G at 1.8-2.5 GHz, and 4G at 2-8 GHz, placing it well within the microwave category. This frequency is miles away from the natural resonance of 8Hz that our bodies are accustomed to, and far, far above current EMF levels (which are already damaging enough). High-frequency 60GHz 5G has already been shown to interfere with the oxygen molecules we breathe. Joe Imbriano has studied the molecular level of impact 5G will have and made an alarming discovery – 5G’s 60GHz bandwidth was selected for a specific reason. Imbriano thinks this reason may be to negatively affect the oxygen we breathe as part of a population control mechanism: “60GHz is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules bonded together with the electrons that they share.” When the oxygen molecule is hit with 60GHz 5G waves, these waves affect the orbital resonance properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. In addition to disrupting oxygen absorption, 5G will alter the iron and magnetite function respectively of the hemoglobin and pineal gland. Hemoglobin and the pineal gland have a magnetic compound within them. The magnetic field disruption is already happening, but, with 5G, this disruption will be more seriously amplified. Hemoglobin is a very complex ferromagnetic compound. If we interfere with the orbital spin properties of diatomic oxygen’s (O2) electrons via 5G, our ability to absorb oxygen will be significantly hampered, creating slow suffocation. Because of this additional factor, with or without 5G, people should avoid 60 GHz WiFi systems in any case. At 60GHz the frequencies also impair the body’s ability to produce vitamin D and melanin. In this context, 5G and the 60 GHz delivery system is an overt attack on the human body.
Most living organisms are naturally equipped to deal with low-level environmental frequency exposure. For example, a ferromagnetic compound called magnetite is naturally present in the brain that absorbs frequencies up to 12GHz, which shields the brain from such radiation. However, beyond 12GHz this natural defense is rendered ineffective; our biology hasn’t made provisions for a frequency exposure so abnormal as 5G at 60 GHz will be, which is well above 12 GHz and beyond.
In summary, we’ve been given a story of how good it is that we can have “smart” homes, “smart” businesses, “smart” highways, “smart” cities and self-driving cars. Virtually everything we own and buy, from refrigerators and washing machines to milk cartons, hairbrushes, and infants’ diapers, will contain antennas and microchips and will be connected wirelessly to the Internet. We’re being told that this is a good thing, but it’s not if we value our physical, mental, moral, and spiritual health. In other words, no matter how “ultra-convenient” these ultra “smart” devices, agreeing to be seduced by the promises of convenience is potentially not too smart. What isn’t acknowledged in all this media hype is that this technology may present as an unprecedented negative environmental effect. The planet, plants, animals, humans, and all life on Earth is in jeopardy. With millions of new 5G base stations, also known as cell towers or small cells, from Earth, and 20,000 new satellites from space simultaneously beaming hundreds of times more powerfully focused RF/MW radiation of pulse modulated millimeter waves, with a much higher absorption rate than 4G/3G/2G centimeter waves, through walls, trees, and human bodies day and night, we’re talking about an estimated of 200 billion transmitting objects, which will be part of the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020. This could be a large-scale and complete disaster for the human race. Part of what the globalists are trying to do is deny that there’s a problem with non-ionizing frequencies, even though, as already stated, more than 10,000 papers are saying there are indeed multiple levels of health problems. According to the actual scientific research, there’s clear evidence of damage of DNA, cells, and organs in a wide variety of ways and increased disease processes, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and a host of electromagnetic diseases. If 5G comes to fruition, no person, no animal, and no plant will be able to avoid the 24/7 exposure to levels of RF/MW radiation that are at least 100 times greater than current levels. 5G will threaten to provoke severe and irreversible effects in humans and also damage to all of Earth’s ecosystems.
The potential or actual disruption of the Schumann Resonance effect on all life on the earth and also our atmosphere is an important additional insight into the whole picture of how we’ll be susceptible to a variety of illnesses from 5G. In order to transmit the enormous amounts of data required for the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G technology, when fully deployed, will use millimeter waves, which are poorly transmitted through solid material. This will require every carrier to install base stations every 100 meters in every urban area in the world. Unlike previous generations of wireless technology, in which a single antenna broadcasts over a wide area, 5G base stations and 5G devices will have multiple antennas arranged in “phased arrays” that work together to emit focused, steerable, laser-like beams that track each other. Each 5G phone will contain up to dozens of tiny antennas, all working together, to track and aim a narrowly focused beam at the nearest cell tower, which may be less than 25 feet from your home; and those beams will be sent back and forth between the 5G device and the cell tower in order to be able to handle important things like Ultra HD video downloaded in seconds versus minutes for 1,000 people per meter. Unfortunately, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted rules permitting the effective power of those beams from a 5G cell phone is to be as much as 20 watts, ten times more powerful than the levels permitted for current phones. Each 5G base station will contain hundreds or thousands of antennas aiming multiple laser-like beams simultaneously at all cell phones and user devices in its service area. This technology is called “multiple input multiple output” or MIMO. FCC rules permit the effective radiated power of a 5G base station’s beams to be as much as 30,000 watts per 100 MHz of spectrum, or equivalently 300,000 watts per GHz of spectrum, an estimated hundreds of times more powerful than the levels permitted for current base stations.
Making potential health problems significantly worse, at least five companies are proposing to provide 5G from space from a combined 20,000 satellites in low- and medium-Earth orbit that will blanket the Earth with powerful, focused, steerable beams. Each satellite will emit millimeter waves with an effective radiated power of up to 5 million watts from thousands of antennas arranged in a phased array. Although the energy reaching the ground from satellites will be less than that from ground-based antennas, it will irradiate areas of the Earth not reached by other transmitters and will be additional to ground-based 5G transmissions from billions of IoT objects. Even more importantly, the satellites will be located in the Earth’s magnetosphere, which exerts a significant influence over the electrical properties of the atmosphere including the Schumann Resonance. As previously explained, the alteration of Earth’s electromagnetic environment, especially where Schumann Resonance resides, may be an even greater threat to life than the radiation from ground-based antennas.
In conclusion, in 2015, 215 scientists from 41 countries communicated their alarm (about the potential of 5G) to the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO). They stated that “numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF [electromagnetic fields] affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. As already stated, more than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrate harm to human health from RF/MW radiation. Effects include:
  • Alteration of heart rhythm
  • Altered gene expression
  • Altered metabolism
  • Altered stem cell development
  • Cancers
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Cognitive impairment
  • DNA damage
  • Impacts on general well-being
  • Increased free radicals
  • Learning and memory deficits
  • Impaired sperm function and quality
  • Miscarriage
  • Neurological damage
  • Obesity and diabetes
  • Oxidative stress
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Asthma
  • Negative altered mental states, including increased depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies
Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is abundant evidence of harm to diverse plant- and wildlife and laboratory animals, including ants, birds, forests, frogs, fruit flies, honey bees, insects, mammals, mice, plants, rats, trees, and microbes.
The Earth and the ionosphere and the lower atmosphere form the Global Electric Circuit in which we live. It is well established that biological rhythms are controlled by Earth’s natural electromagnetic environment, which is this global electric circuit. In essence, adding 20,000 5G satellites will further pollute and potentially disrupt the global electric circuit and could alter the Schumann Resonance, around which all life on Earth has evolved. By going global with 5G, we are not just talking about human evolution, but all life on planet earth.   (LEER COMPLETO...)

Alegado trabajador en antenas 5G afirma haber encontrado algo aterrador en los sistemas de circuitos que se encuentran dentro de dichas instalaciones

El video titulado "The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid 19 - Plandemic (Was Covid-19 a plan?)" donde la viróloga Dra. Judy Mikovits expone el entramado de la conspiración usando virus como el coronavirus (COVID-19) fue extremadamente perseguido y borrado de Internet. Censuraron su libre expresión. Existe esta entrevista que le hicieron a la Dra. Mikovits donde ella habla de estos temas. 



(Enfermera hace controversiales declaraciones cuestionando 
la forma en la cual el virus está contagiando a las personas)

La película titulada "Toxic Skies" hace referencia a una conspiración de gobierno y farmacéuticas para lanzar patógenos en los aires por medio de aviones y provocar una epidemia para conseguir objetivos oscuros. 

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